Breton crepes the way you like them

Plain, sweetened, flavoured or stuffed; you never get tired of crepes! Especially when they're made with top quality ingredients.
Who better placed than us to make crepes?
What would any Breton do with milk and butter to hand? Make crepes of course! Crepes are the indisputable Breton speciality and we pay homage to our roots by using quality ingredients, including butter and milk from our own farmers.
We have a great deal of crepe-making expertise at Ploudaniel (29) - thin, thick or regular; plain, flavoured or filled, our pancakes are sold under our own brand names - Even and Paysan Breton. You can also find them under distributor brand names, made to the client’s own recipe. They’re available frozen, chilled or at ambient temperature, depending on how you like them.
No compromise on quality
Chez nous, plaisir des consommateurs passe par qualité des ingrédients et de la fabrication. En Bretagne, les crêpes, c’est du sérieux !
For us, consumer satisfaction depends on quality ingredients and the production process. Crepes are a serious business in Brittany!
The batter for our crepes is just like you’d make at home: butter from our creameries, milk from our farmers, flour milled from French wheat, free-range French eggs and a pinch of sugar - also French - then cooked on cast iron as tradition demands.